Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Painted Pumpkins

We decided to paint the pumpkins this year instead of carving, cause Carson is really good at painting and not making a mess. Here's how they turned out!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lowe's Safety Day

Grandpa Knight joined Carson and I at the Lowe's Safety Day.    It was a lot of fun. 

Shortly after we arrived, the Care-Flight helicopter landed.  I don't think I've ever been that close to a helicopter as it landed -- it was pretty cool.  Then we were able to talk with the Pilot and Carson sat in the pilot's seat.

We also climbed into a fire truck.  To finish it off, Carson built a wooden toy fire truck.

Carson's Nevada Bookmark

Carson has been working on the 'Fall Reading Program' at the library.  So tonight he made a Nevada themed bookmark. 

We started off by walking around Legends Mall are talking about all of the Nevada themed artwork.  They have some amazing displays and historical explanations.  Then Carson helped design the bookmark and put Carson City on it (his favorite city right now) and Sparks.  He even wrote the city names himself (with a little bit of help spelling Sparks).

It also has a dinosaur, Lake Tahoe (twice), and a snake.

Here's his masterpiece:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cute Pics

Apple Hill

Going to Apple Hill was an interesting experience for all of us. Carson got sick on the way there cause of the windy roads. Luckily I brought an extra shirt.......for Tucker. Carson had to wear one of Tucker's shirts, and some old pants too short for him. We had to clean off his seat and throw all the yucky soiled clothes and stuff in the bed of the truck. So, we finally got to Apple Hill and it was really crowded. That's all I have to say about that.