Monday, February 18, 2019

Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve

Up with the sun to go to the Monteverde Preserve. 

We were there when it opened at 7am and still had to wait in a long line to buy tickets. 

It was very cool, cloudy and breezy that morning, which was perfect weather for birdwatching. 

our guide, who brought a telescope for us to see all the hidden birds up in the trees. 

The first bird we saw was a Quetzal, the one we all most wanted to see. We saw it fly, which was really cool to see the feathers and the long tail. 

Later on the trail, there is a hanging bridge (for which there was another long line) and luckily there was a male and femal Quetzal for us to watch, so it was worth waiting for.  

This is the female quetzal; she just sat alone on a branch on a different tree, calling to the male (the sound was very sad sounding, like she was whimpering).

She was on a branch that was really close to the side of the bridge, so we could bend down and really get a good view of her.

Our guide would stop and show us various insects or plants on the trail that we would have otherwise not seen. 

Here, he is showing us a butterfly that was inside the crevice of a tree. 

some centipedes

There was a hummingbird cafe near the entrance of the preserve, and they had multiple hummingbird feeders so you could see the many different hummingbirds up close.

It was very nice to sit and relax after the hike, while watching hummingbirds.

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